“Patience is a virtue, Possess it if you can, Seldom found in woman, Never found in man”
A quote (possibly controversial) by a philosopher named John Dewey. I think honestly he had it right. It's hard to posses such a fine quality as patience especially in todays fast paced world. It's often hard even at my old, wise age of 22 years old to look back, and remember when we only HAD dial-up connections, and do you even remember a time before texting? How liberating it was to not be glued to a mini LCD screen, but none the less, I am quite thankful technology.
This mentality almost got the better of me today. After working a long day at work, I ran over to the Houston House to check on some new pieces I had fired the night previous. I was so anxious to see them that I lifted the lid this evening forgetting that lifting the kiln lid even a few HOURS after firing can cause stress fractures in pieces from the vast temperature difference.
Luckily, I heard no cracking, but my pieces were still too toasty warm to pick up out of the kiln, so they'll hang out in there till tomorrow.
I am not the only one who suffers from a lack of patience. My very own husband who has been slip casting with some 1960's Holland molds is like an anxious child on Christmas morning. Sadly he can't contain himself and often I find him within a couple of hours he's clawing to see if his mold turns out. We've been having a hell of a time with a very big leaf mold. We've casted two times with no success, but practice makes perfect, but buying more ceramic slip makes my pocket book awfully sore.
Another practice of patience is that the kiln we use is still a manual kiln. With many models today you simply set and go. With a manual you have to stay and slowly ramp up the temperatures to make sure your pieces don't heat too quickly. This often takes up our Sunday afternoons. I don't mind it, but boy does Paul get antsy.
Okay, so I can't blame everything on Paul's lack of patience. I've always been in a hurry to finish projects. I've never simply sat down and paid attention to detail. I hate it, I always want to see that finished product and quick. It feels as if I don't finish my project quickly then my creativity in my brain will implode killing all around. This is not only in my ceramics, but in art as well. I'm sure I could be utterly brilliant, but Bob Ross has taught me that you can create a masterpieces within minutes.
Perhaps everyone is in need of a little practice with patience.