Thursday, September 29, 2011


Class on Wednesday was quite phenomenal, and I had wonderful instruction from Jen H. She answered a lot of my questions, and gave me tips for areas I was absolutely struggling with like cylindering a piece up. It's amazing how one tip in the night makes the biggest difference.

Last week I was so mad, frustrated, and mopey, and about given up that I could learn the basics to wheel throwing.

Then, voila!

A good shape for a mug, which will get its handle next week. But my God, I have actually made something of use. Well, I made a bowl the week before that, but it's disappeared... I didn't ask about it, because it's not going to break my heart if it blew up, or anything during the bisque firing.

I know I'm crazy for doing this, but I'm signing up for another four week session, so I can learn some more glazing. I'm dying to ask questions, but I'm need to get around this shyness/dorkiness thing. I don't want to be perceived as a total nerd, because I check Ceramic Arts Daily, and am often found sifting through potter's blogs.

ANYWAYS-- I have more updates!!!

I am working on a commission piece for my Aunt's friend, which is cool. It will probably hit the kiln on Friday evening.

THEN-- I'm going to be set up selling my ceramics, and a couple of my paintings at The Indianola/Clintonville Art Crawl!!! EEEEEP!!!

That was a good eep by the way. I am so excited, but at the same time my brain is going, "NOOOO! You are sooo stupid!!", because I need to build up some more inventory due to some sales, and so my table doesn't look sad and lonely.

So.... I will be sending the husband to pick up some slip, and it'll be a weekend of slipcasting, glazing and firing! Oh Joy!!

Oh crap! I almost forgot! Here' s a picture of me at the Houston house Art Exhibit. I had paintings sprawled all over the house, but here' s a good pic of me with a few ceramic pieces, and an oil painting.

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