Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A tale of inspiration

I started my first Mayco ceramics class, and I am ecstatic, because I learned so much within the 2-ish hours I was there. I felt so awful, because I felt like the annoying kid in class, "Teacher, teacher, help me! Help me!!!" Meanwhile so many other people there were just so lost, and clueless as to what to do with it being their first time ever touching clay.

Every single piece of information I have learned about wheel throwing has came from hours of scanning through videos, Youtube, and online articles, but you REALLY need the hands on, so you have someone telling you what you're doing wrong. This helped me IMMENSELY, and by the end of the night I had a gorgeous, thin walled, small bowl, which was better than the thick, ugly past pieces I've attempted. I am so excited to go back next week, but I fear the three week time span might hinder all that I want to learn. The hubby might not go for another $100 payment per session, but we'll see.

Bless his little heart, because this weekend, he let his little ol' wife buy an amazing $80 dress for a mere fee of home cooking for the week.... and this brings me to my next point...

Schedule wise, this is a crazy week for me, and I have a lot of events on top of my 9-5 job this week. Apart from starting my ceramics class, I still have a crazy schedule of Assistant Directing for a community theater production, AND on Wednesday, I have a rooftop masquerade in downtown Columbus.

This is where the 'inspiration' part of this entry comes in. I have to attempt a mask tonight with some fabrics, and crafty things I have stuffed in a closet somewhere. I had an idea at first, but my dress color is not so accommodating now to my original idea. So, this is where ETSY comes in to play.

Etsy, I love you! If there ever was a place for creativity lacking individuals like myself, it would be you. It HAD to be you! Wonderful-wonderful YOU!

I found some of these masks, while milling about, and I am in awe. I just wanted to share them.

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