Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Some dishes for your food for thought

Upon recent searching and browsing I came across Chris Campbell and one of her collections of dinnerware.
Rainbows in my opinion aren't very easy to make look cool. Seriously, you could easily end up on the two year old hearts, ponies, and princesses spectrum if you go too rainbow crazy, but Chris Campbell has developed a way in using colored slips, porcelain and inlays to create such beautiful and unique pieces.

I've linked her dinner ware set, to show the balance, and how all of her piece work together from the chargers, to the tiny drinking vessels. It all clicks, and promotes a playfulness, and vivacious liveliness to often cold, and chilling features that possess porcelain.

A lot of Chris' other pieces, and exhibits again display color for dull objects. She had one set that looks almost like a crustacean fossil, but with her play for color it brings a vividness, and interesting perspective to the main piece.

It's a lot more than just dumping some one color glaze on a piece, and calling it finished. Besides being able to see some inlay and color blocking in her pieces, there are some in which I am completely dumbfounded on, which in my opinion is what makes advanced potters so wonderful. Technique, technique, and a little bit of creativity.

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